Pantomime AGM 2020/21

The AGM was held on the morning of Saturday 13th March 2021 via Zoom. The Minutes and Chairman’s Report are posted here FYI.

Pantomime AGM Saturday 13 March 2021


Simon Forster – Chair

Donna Tetley – Secretary

Amanda Horsman

Ian Noble

Siobhan Noble

Sue Barker

Andrew Barker

Karen Ferguson

Mark Blackburn

Paula Carter


Bethan Forster

Andrew Coffee

Jane Ramsey

Jayne Holland

Rebecca Noble

Josh Towers

Chairmans Report

SF welcomed everyone to the AGM, he then read his chairman’s report. Action – AH to post report on Facebook.

Treasurers Report

KF went through the 2020 – 2021 balance sheet .

We agreed that the £500 ring fenced for the back cloth fund would still be paid into there as soon as KF can facilitate it.

SN mentioned that with the Ebay account which has £345.00 if she were to purchase items from Ebay as she did for the last pantomime it makes sense to use the £345.00 already in the account.  Action SN to speak with JH

Voting Elections

Sue Barker has decided to step down from the Committee.  SF thanked Sue for her hard work and contribution over the years.  No other changes with the Committee.  SF proposed we carry on with 9 members – everyone agreed.

Panto 2020 / 2021

IN / SN confirmed that the next pantomime will be Mother Goose (COVID permitting) IN has rewritten some parts of the script.  Plenty of parts for people event some characters can have split parts.

MR confirmed he is still happy to run and manage back stage.


SF proposed we have a Summer Group-Wide meeting to update everyone on the position and gauge interest in a 2021/22 show.

SB/AB shared a new book called Saints Alive which is through St Andrews Church and is priced at £5.00 per book.  The book has lots of interesting recipes, quiz’s etc.  If you would like to purchase one please email SB  AH also said it would be a good idea to post online.

PC thanked everyone for inviting her to the meeting.

Next Meeting Saturday 15 May 10:00 am via zoom


Chairman’s Report – AGM 13th March 2021

Firstly, welcome to St Andrew’s Pantomime Group AGM for the year 2020/21.  I could also have added, ‘… and our unconventional way of meeting …’ but, whilst it is the first Panto AGM we have held in this manner, Zoom has become very much a part of our new normal over the past twelve months.

You’ve all seen the film Groundhog-Day I am assuming, you know, the one where Bill Murray keeps on reliving the same day’s events over and over again. Well, at last year’s AGM, which was just before the first lockdown, but the Pandemic was already with us, these are the words I finished on …

“The Pantomime right now is, quite rightly, nowhere near the top of anyone’s priority list. But by the time we need to start meeting for the 2020/21 show, hopefully there will be light at the end of the Coronavirus tunnel, and a bit of fun might be just what we all need.”

There wasn’t any light at the end of the Covid tunnel by Sept/Oct last year and we had to cancel the January 2021 show. We weren’t of course on our own, as all theatres and halls had to close.

We are only just now seeing that light, as the tunnel’s end gets ever closer, and so I will say a version of these words again … “by the time we need to start meeting for the 2021/22 show, hopefully we will have reached the much desired light and we may be able to engage in that bit of fun we have waited more than twelve long months to enjoy.”

So, the only positive thing I can say about this year, Panto-wise, is that Bill didn’t say any of his lines in the wrong order, not one person was late entering the stage when their cue was given and I didn’t need to use the prompt at all – not once!

It’s great to see us all here meeting together, as it shows that we still have the enthusiasm to get this show on the road again. We have a script ready and I’m sure that we will have a cast raring to go when the time comes.

We shouldn’t of course jump the gun or tempt fate in any way, and so we will wait just a few more months yet, but we will be talking a little later in the meeting about using Zoom for a wider, more show- oriented gathering in the Summer to prepare for our return.

So, for this year, enough said. We have been keeping Pantomime in our Community for fifty years already, let’s now look forward to the next fifty!

Simon Forster. Chairman, March 2021