AGM notes

ANNUAL AGM 23 March 2017


Karen Ferguson (Finance)
Simon Forster (Chair)
Donna Tetley (Secretary)
Jayne Holland
Alan Makinson
Lisa Conlon
Steve Conlon
Andrew Baker
Sue Barker
Jane Ramsey
Gareth Roddy
Loz Pape
Siobhan Noble
Ian Noble
Brian Stevens
Andrew Coffey
Amanda Horsman


Rachel George
Dave George
Heather Forster
Bethan Forster

SF read the Chairmans Report which as always was very entertaining

Karen ran through the Finance report

Amanda queried the balance on starlight account Amanda to pick up with Karen after meeting

It was agreed we will give £4000.00 to Church then each charity detailed below will receive £420.00 each.

Fairburn Vale Care Home
West Yorkshire MS Oxygen Centre
Live at Home Scheme
Speak with It
Brain Tumour Research
South Leeds food bank
The donated amount includes the £252 given by Les Hutton (Video Man) in lieu of him receiving any payment for DVD’s this year. He wanted it to go to a Cancer related Charity of which there are two on the list.


Voting Election

Rachel George has stepped down
Jane Ramsey and Bethan Forster would like to join the committee, everyone was in favour to have 10 committee members unanimous

Panto 2017

– Official thanks to the whole team from Jayne and Simon –  The team pulled together at a really difficult time when their mum passed away

– Jane would like to get online banking for the tickets sales, Karen tried to open a HSBC – Business Account which was very difficult , Jayne suggested a card machine which is around 30-00, Amanda is going to speak to a friend who works at HSBC bank to see how difficult/easy it could be Amanda to update Simon and Karen

– Jane raised the question about children who come to Panto, their age will be asked on the phone and it was agreed Jane will say the show is for 3 years and above and they need a chair rather than sitting on parents lap

– Steve Conlon raised adult choreography the choreographer could not make Sunday rehearsals it was asked whoever the next choreographer is if they could commit to Sunday’s

– Happier it was a shorter Panto/good fun

– Loz raised the issue of having better microphones as the music is loud and we cannot always hear the singing, Loz suggested personal mics but the AGM members were not keen on that idea.  Other suggestions were do we still need an AMP, or voice coaching?

– It was agreed Julie Fletcher would attend another performance next year for the hard of hearing at a cost of £250.00

Panto 2018

Loz and Siobhan to produce – not a long script Little Miss Muffet
Totally new script limited characters sharing roles just looking at the moment as there is more people wanting to take part maybe audition the parts
13-27 Jan next years Panto dates

There are various roles required to fill for next year’s pantomime so if we can all have a think and if we know anyone let anyone on the committee know

Children’s Co-ordinator/Costumes
Adult Costumes
Lighting and sound
Chaperones – Donna Tetley and Louise Noon are happy to volunteer, however we need a few more ladies to volunteer as Chaperones. Anyone interested should contact Simon Forster in the first instance

Date of next meeting is Saturday 6th May at 10am.