Daily Archives: April 7, 2016

St Andrews Pantomime Group Charitable Donations

As well as bringing pantomime into the heart of our community we also make charitable donations to many worthwhile causes.   Since 2004, the year we started to keep records of all our donations, we have contributed £18,565.00 to 34 different charitable organizations’, which I am sure you will agree, is a phenomenal amount for a small group like ours.   A list of all the organizations’ that we have donated to in the last 13 years can be can be found by following this Continue reading →

Chairman’s Notes March 2016

Another year, another show, another success.   It seems we say the same thing year after year, anyone would think we were resting on our laurels. But we are not, and that is why we can keep saying the same thing year in year out.   It is another year on, and the the St Andrew’s Panto still keeps going strong. We sold 2068 tickets, and even though a few may not have turned up, the tickets were sold and they were paid for. That’s Continue reading →